Tories bid to outflank SNP in post-Brexit powers row with '˜Union guarantee'

The Scottish Government will be challenged to back a '˜Union guarantee' as part of Brexit legislation being rushed through Holyrood, in a bid by the Scottish Conservatives to outflank the SNP over devolution.

Ruth Davidson’s party will table an amendment to the Scottish Government’s Continuity Bill, requiring Scottish ministers to stick to existing regulations in key areas and not endanger UK internal market.

In a deepening dispute over post-Brexit powers, the SNP administration is pushing the Continuity Bill through Holyrood as emergency legislation. The Bill challenges Westminster’s constitutional authority and claims all devolved powers returning from Brussels after Brexit, despite UK ministers saying two dozen of them must be reserved in order to protect internal trade within the UK.

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UK and Scottish sources are reported to be preparing for the dispute to end up in the Supreme Court if agreement cannot be reached before Westminster legislation, in the shape of the EU Withdrawal Bill, is voted on in the House of Lords in May.