Nathan, 5, hands birthday gifts to children's charity

Nathan Hill with mum Julie Innes and dad Gary Hill. Picture: Toby WilliamsNathan Hill with mum Julie Innes and dad Gary Hill. Picture: Toby Williams
Nathan Hill with mum Julie Innes and dad Gary Hill. Picture: Toby Williams
When most children blow out the candles on their fifth birthday cake, they wish for more toys, a bigger party and even more cake.

However, when big-hearted Nathan Hill decided he wanted to make a difference to the lives of less advantaged children all over the Capital, mum Julie Innes was only too happy to make his birthday wish come true.

Nathan, who celebrated his fifth birthday on May 28, decided he wanted to give some of his gift money to children’s charity Barnardo’s.

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And Julie, 27, thought of the perfect way he could give back, taking him shopping for toys to donate to the charity.

Nathan Hill. Picture: Toby WilliamsNathan Hill. Picture: Toby Williams
Nathan Hill. Picture: Toby Williams

“It was when I was putting him to bed one night, he asked if there were children who did didn’t have everything he had,” she said.

“Nathan was really upset when I was telling him about some children who haven’t grown up with parents around and he wanted to do something to help them.

“So when we suggested he could do something for other children and families, he was delighted.

“Nathan wanted to give toys to children in Edinburgh who didn’t have a mummy or daddy so we contacted Barnardo’s Scotland as we knew they used to run homes.

Nathan Hill. Picture: Toby Williams