Scots hockey star jailed for murdering woman

Craig WalkerCraig Walker
Craig Walker
A former hockey internationalist who murdered a woman his wife suspected he was having an affair with was given a life sentence yesterday.

Craig Walker, 41, left Lauren Wilson with 77 Injuries - including 29 stab wounds - during an attack at his flat in Renfrew on May 26, 2021.

The killing happened on the day of his ninth wedding anniversary to wife Seonid.

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The couple had split in the summer of 2020, but Walker had been set to return to the family home.

But, prosecutors said supermarket worker Ms Wilson, 34, was about to reveal the length of their affair and had tried contacting Mrs Walker, 38, on the morning of the attack.

Walker flew into a rage and, after luring Ms Wilson to his flat, battered, strangled and stabbed her before putting her corpse into a sports bag.

The ex-Scotland and Great Britain hockey player denied murder, insisting she was hurt during a “frantic struggle”.

The first offender also said that he lied to his victim about having cancer in an attempt to "push her away".

Walker was found guilty following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow. Judge Lady Stacey sentenced him to at least 21 years behind bars.

She said: "You murdered an innocent young woman who was in a relationship with you - she must have trusted you. These actions are disgraceful."No one can know the pain and anguish and perhaps terror you inflicted on her."Lauren Wilson was a much-loved daughter, step daughter, sister and mother who had a group of loyal friends.

"Nothing I can say or do can take away the grief these people feel and always will feel.

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"The consequences of what you did are devastating for her family and young daughter.

"Their grief is have deprived the child her mother's love and guidance.

"She is old enough to have memories of her mother but much too young to understand what has happened.

"Her family now have the responsibility of bringing up the child and shield her from what happened while being honest with her as well as grieve themselves."

As Walker was being led from the dock into the cells a member of the public shouted: "Rot in hell you evil monster."