Teacher caught six times over the limit in school car park

Gillespie was caught in the car park of Belmont Academy. Picture: GoogleGillespie was caught in the car park of Belmont Academy. Picture: Google
Gillespie was caught in the car park of Belmont Academy. Picture: Google
A teacher who was caught drink-driving in the car park of the school where she works while six times over the limit turned to alcohol to cope with her cancer-stricken husband leaving her, a court has heard.

Home economics teacher Kristine Gillespie, 52, used alcohol as a crutch due to the developments involving John Gillespie, her husband of 26 years, and was found to be well over the limit while at the school last month.

And it was Mr Gillespie who ended up phoning the police to report her after realising she was drunk and warning her not to drive off from Belmont Academy in Ayr. She told police and social workers that she had only had one bottle of Italian beer Peroni with her lunch on the day in question.

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