Farming: CAP reform ‘will not be complete by 2014 target date’

With months of complex discussions and decisions ahead, the one issue clarified by European Union Agricultural Commissioner Dacian Ciolos on his flying visit to Scotland yesterday was that the reformed Common Agricultural Policy would not be fully completed by the originally planned changeover date of January 2014.

With months of complex discussions and decisions ahead, the one issue clarified by European Union Agricultural Commissioner Dacian Ciolos on his flying visit to Scotland yesterday was that the reformed Common Agricultural Policy would not be fully completed by the originally planned changeover date of January 2014.

Industry leaders invited to Edinburgh by George Lyon MEP, heard Ciolos explain that, while he hoped most of the policy would be in place by the beginning of 2014, it should be seen as a transitional year with the new Single Farm Payments not coming in until 2015.

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