Review: New reality show Bromans is uncomfortably terrible

Eight 21st century lads are transported back to a reconstruction of the Roman Empire in the show. Picture: ITVEight 21st century lads are transported back to a reconstruction of the Roman Empire in the show. Picture: ITV
Eight 21st century lads are transported back to a reconstruction of the Roman Empire in the show. Picture: ITV
ITV2 isn't really known for its cultural output. Between The Only Way is Essex and whatever other reality show is being repeated, the words '˜inform', '˜educate' and '˜entertain' largely seem alien concepts to the commissioners.

Even Love Island, the channel’s highly successful ‘dating show’ about horny twenty-somethings grinding up against each other, came with tongue firmly in its cheek.

And down its throat. ITV2’s biggest shows gain an audience through a gently mocking tone that points and laughs both at and with their subjects.

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But Bromans – their latest reality format – drags things to a new low.

Eight 21st century ‘lads’ are transported back to a reconstruction of the Roman Empire to see if they can cut it as gladiators.

It’s a show that actively encourages stupidity, objectification and vanity.

And it’s awful.

An excuse for titillation

The premise is so threadbare the show barely bothers to explain it.

The participants must complete a variety of Roman-inspired, Gladiatorial tasks, with one leaving each week.

There are eight weeks of this. What the lads are ultimately competing for remains, at this point, a mystery.

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They’re overseen by the drill sergeant-like Doctore – a ‘Gladiator’ from the early 90s’ Gladiators by the name of David McIntosh.

Don’t fear for their fragile egos as they’re shouted awake each morning though; their girlfriends have been drafted in for ‘support’. Support which amounts to them jumping up in down in bikinis. In slow motion.

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