Acne blights many teenage lives, and can persist into adulthood too. But there are ways to keep the bumps away

ACNE Vulgaris. It says it all, doesn't it? Painful red plooks that are unpleasant to look at but even worse for the person unfortunate enough to be suffering from them.

It's a common enough complaint. Around 80 per cent of teenagers have spots at some point, which makes the recent recruitment of teen heart throb Justin Bieber as the face of an acne treatment pure genius.

"I know that for a teenager, it doesn't matter how many people are looking at you, you don't want acne on your face," says the 16-year-old popster. "I'm in the limelight all the time. I'm constantly doing interviews, constantly doing photo shoots and, you know, I'm determined to keep myself clear."

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