Cryptic crossword - The Scotsman, 03/03/13

Grid: Hugh JohnsonGrid: Hugh Johnson
Grid: Hugh Johnson
MONDAY’S cryptic puzzle...


1 Little girl got knocked unconscious in bat-and-ball game (8)

5 May have handled the detectives in an offensive way (6)

9 Is encouragement to tart-makers in place? (8)

10 Many a time take turn, about to become due (6)

12 Will fans rise up, according to type (3,5)

13 Passage to a detached territory, in the main (5)

14 In the past, was accustomed to finish (4,2)

17 Hanger-on about to join the inner circle (5)

20 Just a few of the rebels are in that place (5)

21 Is prepared to gain support for Davenport (6)

24 Might have to strengthen backbone (5)

25 Did the Spanish sailor have to speak up to flesh things out? (9)

28 Fighting battle to have proceedings in court (6)

29 He rams into ship like some demolition men (8)

30 Good to leave the stage with first-class mandate (6)

31 Acts to create works of art over time (8)


1 Take American model to be quite fit (6)

2 Hard-hearted peace-makers have to take the strain (6)

3 Falls into drains at Epsom, for example (5)

4 After the game, the French run into their governor (5)

6 Did a clan have trouble with a heavy snowfall? (9)

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