Iain Morrison: Edinburgh’s poor form makes it a testing time for Andy Robinson

THE circular from the SRU dropped into my e-mail basket at the tail end of last week under the headline: “Robinson picks form players in first squad of season.” Really?

If that headline were true it’s debatable that anyone from Edinburgh Rugby would qualify, with a couple of exceptions in breakaway Stuart McInally and perhaps Nick De Luca for his defensive chores rather than any attacking panache. Too many others are playing so far below their potential that they may well have been hijacked by a spaceship and replaced by alien doppelgangers.

Greig Laidlaw is throwing Hail Mary passes to thin air and Ross Ford seems to be infected with the hooker’s equivalent of golf’s yips. The poor man lost three of his first four throws against Munster and while the Limerick crowd keep a respectful silence for kicks at goal, it was open season for the hooker at Thomond last weekend.

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