Netflix launches supernatural investigation service as nearly half of Brits believe they live with a ghost

Streaming platform Netflix has launched a new supernatural investigation service for concerned Brits who fear their home is haunted by ghosts

Netflix has launched a brand new supernatural investigation service to mark the release of its new show, Lockwood & Co. The service offers free paranormal investigations to concerned Brits who fear their home is haunted.

Following the launch of Netflix’s supernatural fantasy series, new research has been commissioned to better understand Britain’s relationship with the paranormal, and found that one in five (17%) people claim to share their home with a ghost.

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The nationwide poll, conducted by Perspectus Global, found that one in two (56%) say it’s a friendly presence, but a fifth (20%) are convinced it is malevolent and is out to do them harm. Moreover, one in 10 Brits are convinced there is a haunted house or building in their local area.

More than one in 20 people (8%) believe they have been comforted by a ghost, 5% have been touched by one - an experience which proves fatal in Lockwood & Co. - and 5% have seen the spirit of someone they knew when they were alive. 4% claim to have spoken to a ghost and 3% claim to have been given an important message by one.

The research also found which cities were the most haunted in the UK. Here’s everything you need to know.

Which city is the most haunted in the UK?

The research found that London was the top haunted city in the UK as more people in the capital believe they live in or near a haunted house than anywhere else. Glasgow came second in the haunted city stakes, closely followed by Liverpool and Birmingham.