Libya joins probe into Lockerbie bombing

The Lockerbie bombing killed 270 people - the plane exploded over the town in 1988. Picture: Jane BarlowThe Lockerbie bombing killed 270 people - the plane exploded over the town in 1988. Picture: Jane Barlow
The Lockerbie bombing killed 270 people - the plane exploded over the town in 1988. Picture: Jane Barlow
Libya has appointed two prosecutors to deal with the international investigation into the Lockerbie bombing, Scotland’s chief law officer has revealed.

Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland insists there are still others with “blood on their hands” who have not been brought to justice.

Libyans will now work alongside Scottish and US investigators, in a move described as a “welcome development” by Mr Mulholland. Scotland’s senior prosecutor said: “As a result of developing good relations and understanding of what we’re trying to achieve, the Libyan law enforcement have appointed two prosecutors to work with the US and Scottish prosecutors in investigating this.

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“So that’s a welcome development and hopefully this will progress matters.”

Mr Mulholland will meet the head of the FBI to discuss the inquiry during a visit to the US when he will attend events to mark this weekend’s 25th anniversary of the terrorist bombing. Scottish detectives could also be poised to visit Libya in the new year as part of the investigation.