One side of Scotland-England border up to £670 more expensive to live

Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommonsScottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons
Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons
Residents living on one side of the Scotland-England border could be paying up to £670 more in council tax than their close neighbours.

Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3% tax hike.

On average, Borderers are forking out £508 less than their Northumbrian opposite numbers.

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In Coldstream, for example, residents living in council tax band D properties can expect to pay £593 less than those in similar properties in Cornhill-on-Tweed, less than a mile away.

Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommonsScottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons
Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons

Both local authorities recently increased their council tax, Scottish Borders Council by 3 per cent and Northumberland Council by 2.99 per cent, but years of council tax freezes by the Scottish Government have left Scottish residents paying much less.

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South Scotland SNP regional list MSP Emma Harper said: “Not only are council tax bills in Scotland lower than they are south of the border – by over £500 a year on average for a band D property – but the majority of income tax payers will also pay less than they would if they lived elsewhere in the UK.

“While the Tories obsessively argue for tax cuts for the very wealthiest in society that would mean £556m less for our schools, hospitals and other vital public services, the Scottish Government is delivering a progressive and sensible tax regime that delivers for everyone.”

Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommonsScottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons
Scottish Borders residents are still paying much less in council tax than their English counterparts in Northumberland despite a recent 3 per cent tax hike. Picture: WikICommons

Council tax makes up less than a quarter of Scottish Borders Council’s funding, and the latest increase marks only the second council tax hike in the last 10 years.

Scottish Borders Council leader Shona Haslam said: “The Scottish Borders is the lowest wage economy in Scotland. That, combined with the recent SNP income tax rise, means that people are feeling their households budgets continually squeezed.  

“As a council, we are very mindful of the realities that are facing people and want to make sure that the council tax we set is right for our context.  

“The Scottish Government continues to cut our funding but demands us to deliver more services.  

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