Natalie McGarry publicly rebuffs Donald Trump fundraising plea

Natalie McGarry. Picture: John DevlinNatalie McGarry. Picture: John Devlin
Natalie McGarry. Picture: John Devlin

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DONALD Trump has been slapped down after sending begging letters to Scottish politicians asking them to help fund his bid for the White House.

The tycoon emailed Scottish MPs from all parties last week urging them to “make America great again” by donating to his campaign.

It seems that the request was largely ignored, but one MP couldn’t hold back after one of Mr Trump’s sons, Donald Trump Jr, sent a follow-up message.

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Now independent politician Natalie McGarry has sent a condemning reply to the “extraordinary” request, denouncing the “repugnant” campaign and asking him not to get in touch again.

The first email, received by many MPs last week, appears to be from Donald Trump himself.

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It reads: “This is the first fundraising email I have ever sent on behalf of my campaign. Help make history by giving one of the amounts below.

“I’m fighting back against Crooked Hillary [Clinton] and her pathetic cronies, as well as the dishonest liberal media, and I need your help.

“Double your impact by donating today.”

The second email, which seems to have been sent from Donald Trump Jr the following day, says: “Yesterday my father sent his first ever fundraising email for the campaign.

“We need your help to keep up this incredible momentum. Please chip in today to help make my father, Donald J Trump, the next President of the United States.

“If you haven’t given yet, I’m asking you to donate right now to help out the campaign at this critical time.

“Please donate right now to help my father make America great again.”

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McGarry, who is the MP for Glasgow East, wrote a sharp reply to the Presidential hopeful’s son, and shared her response with her 15,000 Twitter followers.

In her letter she wrote: “Quite why you think it appropriate to write emails to UK parliamentarians with a begging bowl for your father’s repugnant campaign is completely beyond me.

“Given his rhetoric on migrants, refugees and immigration, it seems quite extraordinary that he would be asking foreign nationals for money; especially people who view his dangerous divisiveness with horror.

“The US elections are a matter for the American people, but I do send my warm hope that they reject your father fundamentally at the ballot box.”

She added: “The thought of his reactionary type of politics and apparent ignorance of world affairs having access to a seat at the world table is both surreal, and terrifying.

“The above is a long way to say No, and do not contact me again.”

Many of her followers applauded her “stellar” reply.

Kevin Phillips said: “Love the response letter. Good on you.”

Monica Lambo wrote: “Your response was spot-on.”