'It's a bloody disgrace': Former leader of the Scottish Conservatives speaks out against foreign aid cuts

Ruth Davidson has spoken out against members of her party who voted in favour of the UK Government cutting foreign aid.

MPs backed a plan put forward by Mr Sunak that will see the commitment to spend 0.7% of national income on aid restored only when the public finances improve.

Critics of the move warned there was no guarantee the conditions set by the Chancellor would ever be met.

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MPs voted by 333 to 298, a majority of 35, to back the reduction in aid funding from 0.7% of gross national income (GNI) to 0.5% – a cut equivalent to around £4.4 billion this year.

Former leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Ruth Davidson retweeted a message saying that the vote had lead to a ‘big Tory rebellion’ saying: “Not big enough.

"For colleagues' who stood on manifesto after manifesto committed to this, it's a bloody disgrace.”

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