Euro referendum part of Tories’ election plans, MP claims

THE TORIES will fight the next election promising to hold an in/out referendum on Europe, it was claimed today.

Conservative MP Mark Reckless promised the party would make a clear manifesto pledge to stage a national vote on UK membership in an attempt to distance itself from the Liberal Democrats.

The Eurosceptic said there was a “real change in mood” across the country and the question was now “when, not if” the poll would be held.

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“I believe my party will go into the next election committed to an in/out referendum on Europe,” he said.

Mr Reckless urged his party to “get there first”, warning that Labour leader Ed Miliband could make the case sooner and seize the momentum with voters.

Asked on what basis he believed there were plans for a firm manifesto pledge, he replied: “The shift of mood among colleagues, the need to differentiate the Conservative party from the Coalition and basically to enthuse our members, our activists, our supporters, and indeed, backbench Conservative MPs.”

The campaign group will hold three more straw polls on the issue in key constituencies following on from a vote in Thurrock last month that saw more than 13,000 call for the UK to exit the EU.

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