Obituaries: Juliet Boobbyer, artist, writer and peace campaigner

​Juliet Boobbyer turned down a place at Oxford to join the MRA movement​Juliet Boobbyer turned down a place at Oxford to join the MRA movement
​Juliet Boobbyer turned down a place at Oxford to join the MRA movement
​The Hon. Juliet Boobbyer. Born: 28 October, 1930 in London. Died: 24 January, 2023 in Kington, Herefordshire, aged 92

Juliet Boobbyer was a woman of deep personal faith, who believed that the Christian history of Britain could be a resource for building bridges between the nations of the United Kingdom and also with Ireland.

Her play with music, Columba, told the story of the sixth century Irish abbot and saint, who founded the abbey on the island of Iona which became a centre of faith and learning for the whole of Europe.

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