Doom and gloom

What a bubbly fankle the ­political parties are getting themselves into.

To frighten the English into voting for them, the Conservatives prophesy “mayhem” from a “grotesque hybrid” Labour/SNP administration. Among others, Sir Malcolm Rifkind suggests that Scottish Conservatives might vote ­Labour to keep out the SNP, when in fact, voting SNP to keep out Labour is the no-brainer for them.

To counter the Tory stratagem, Ed Miliband has to play down the “threat” from the SNP, though in Scotland he wants to do the opposite to attract support from Unionists of all persuasions.

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It would clearly be to the SNP’s advantage to encourage Conservatives to vote for them to defeat Labour in certain constituencies, but they dare not say so as it would give credence to Labour’s usual pitch – “vote Labour to keep the Tories out”.

Only the Liberal Democrats are in the happy state of having an unambiguous message – ”all SNP haters should vote for us”.

S Beck

Craigleith Drive


In the run-up to the independence referendum commentators were telling us how we were all “Better Together” and that Scotland “should not leave, but lead the UK”.

Now it seems that while MPs are all equal, some, in their eyes, are more equal than others.

Former prime minister Sir John Major has now thrown his hat into the ring.

Mr Major claims an SNP arrangement with a minority Labour government would see Ed Miliband subjected to a “daily dose of political blackmail”.

But let us not forget that this was the same John Major whose Tory government was left clinging to office at the end of 1996 with the support of deals cut with the Ulster Unionist.

What Major and other like-minded commentators are ­saying to Scots is that it is OK to vote, but only for those they want you to vote for, and certainly not the SNP.

Alex Orr

Leamington Terrace


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Once again we see Nicola Sturgeon’s double standards in what she says. But what she said in her response to John Major’s speech warning the country of an impending doom if Labour and SNP join forces beggars belief.

She described his comments as an “affront to democracy” – from a leader who has quite clearly ignored the wishes of 55 per cent of people who voted No in the referendum and refuses to rule out another one; someone who wishes to lock David Cameron out of Downing Street by joining forces with Labour even if he gets more votes than Labour, and also in the same week threatens Cameron with a second unwanted referendum if the UK leaves Europe.

“Double standards” does not really cover it. Robert Burns said that he wished some power would give the gift to us to see ourselves as others see us. Perhaps Nicola Sturgeon could do with that gift!!

Gordon Kennedy

Simpson Square


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