MacAskill splits with his wife after 22 years, blaming pressures of job

JUSTICE secretary Kenny MacAskill has separated from his wife, it has emerged, amid claims job-related pressures may have played a part in the split.

Mr MacAskill and wife Alison had been married for 22 years before separating earlier this year. It is believed the couple fought to save the marriage for several months after encountering problems in 2008.

But it emerged yesterday that Mr MacAskill had moved out of the family home in Edinburgh and into a one-bedroom flat.

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The politician confirmed he had spilt with Alison – the mother of his two sons, aged 22 and 20 – in a short statement, adding that they remained "good friends".

Mr MacAskill, the MSP for Edinburgh East and Musselburgh said: "My wife and I separated on the best of terms after some months trying to reconcile, and no third party has ever been involved."

According to reports, friends of the couple believe his high-pressure job may have played a part in the separation in May.

The past year has seen Mr MacAskill face many difficult and high-profile situations, putting him at the forefront of Scottish politics.

Last October, Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi was revealed to be suffering "advanced stage" prostate cancer, prompting calls from Libya for him to be released from his life sentence.

In March this year, Libya's minister for Europe Abdulati Alobidi met with the Scottish Government to discuss the case. Then, in April, a prisoner transfer agreement (PTA) between the UK and Libya came into force, allowing Megrahi to apply to serve the rest of his sentence in a Libyan jail.

In May, the Scottish Government revealed Libyan authorities had applied for the transfer of Megrahi – around the same time Mr MacAskill and his wife separated.