Face-to-face lessons cancelled at Scottish university after three test positive for COVID-19

Three people have tested positive for COVID-19 at a Scottish University.

The individuals, who attend Glasgow University, are currently self-isolating.

The cases were announced today as Scotland’s total number of positive COVID-19 tests reached 121.

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Staff at the university have confirmed all face-to-face teaching on the university’s campuses in Glasgow and Dumfries have been cancelled and course materials will be placed online.

Exams scheduled for April and May will also not be taking place on campus or in exam halls and staff are in discussions about postponing large events due to be held at the university.

Dd David Duncan, Glasgow University Secretary, said: “Three members of the University community have tested positive for COVID-19.

“They have been advised to self-isolate.

“There is no reason for undue alarm – as the Principal outlined in the Facebook Live broadcast earlier this week, confirmation of positive results is entirely to be expected as the pandemic evolves.

Three people have tested positive for the coronavirus at Glasgow UniversityThree people have tested positive for the coronavirus at Glasgow University
Three people have tested positive for the coronavirus at Glasgow University | Getty Images

“We are working closely with Health Protection Scotland (HPS) and the University will remain open – though, as you will know from communications issued earlier today, face-to-face teaching will cease from Monday 16 March.

“As a precautionary measure we are in touch with the SRC, the student unions and others across our campuses to discuss postponing events such as conferences which are likely to bring large numbers of people into close contact with each other. Some of these have already been cancelled.

“This is a challenging time for all of us. Please look after your own health but also be aware of the health and wellbeing of others around you.

Greater Glasgow and Clyde is currently the most affected area of Scotland amid the coronavirus spread with 31 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

For the latest figures, read our story here.

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The first coronavirus-related death in Scotland was confirmed yesterday by the country’s Chief Medical Officer Catherine Calderwood.

The patient, who was being treated by Lothian Health Board was an older person who had underlying health conditions.

Across the UK the number of coronavirus-related deaths jumped from 11 to 21 in a day.

Professor Chris Whitty, chief medical officer for England, said: "I am sorry to confirm 10 further patients who have tested positive for Covid-19 in England have died."All 10 individuals were in the at risk groups. I understand this increase in the number of deaths linked to Covid-19 will be a cause for concern for many."The public should know every measure we are taking is seeking to save lives and protect the most vulnerable."Every single one of us has a role to play in achieving this. If you have a new continuous cough or high temperature, please stay at home for seven days."I also encourage everyone to be washing their hands for 20 seconds regularly.

"I offer my sincere condolences to the families and friends who have received this difficult news. I ask that their privacy is respected at this time."



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