Glasgow-based Social Shifters cheers 2021 efforts to help young leaders flourish

Social Shifters, a non-profit organisation based in Glasgow that aims to “enable evolving leaders to create positive change globally”, has hailed its achievements in 2021 – including its launch of a global competition focused on innovation.

It says that via access to masterclasses, networking events, inspiring stories, start-up tools and templates, virtual mentors, and awards, it equips social and environmental entrepreneurs with the skills and experience to bring to life their “world-changing” business ideas.

This year debuted the Global Innovation Challenge, an international competition to mobilise leaders aged 18 to 30 and their business offerings, saying this united a pool of people and organisations motivated by purpose and driven by an entrepreneurial mindset.

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The challenge saw social business activity assessed and scored by expert virtual judges, with finalists supported to pitch for financial rewards to accelerate their start-up ideas, with winners announced at a global summit, organised in partnership with the Social Enterprise World Forum.

Marta Uetela, who turns abandoned fishing nets into prosthetics, was one of the Global Innovation Challenge's eight winners. Picture: contributed.