Laying down the law on Capital's mean streets

IT'S 1991 and in a smart New Town flat, the cream of Edinburgh's legal society are moving enthusiastically but awkwardly to Eurythmics' Sweet Dreams. One moody-looking young man, however, is avoiding the dance floor, skulking at the edges, dragging on his cigarette.

"I don't dance," he snaps, when asked. But dancing is about all the fresh-faced but already hard-bitten lawyer Greg McDowall doesn't do in the STV series The Advocates.

Investigating crimes that the police have given up on? Tick. Braving thugs with guns in the name of justice? Tick. Making the heart of newly-qualified upper crust advocate Alex flutter so much that she chucks in a career-making move to Brussels to help him with a seedy case involving drugs and prostitutes? Tick.

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