Neil Lennon to leave Vine Twitter action to SFA

Neil Lennon: 'There is nothing I can do about it.' Picture: PANeil Lennon: 'There is nothing I can do about it.' Picture: PA
Neil Lennon: 'There is nothing I can do about it.' Picture: PA
NEIL Lennon has spoken for the first time about comments made in reference to him on Twitter by Hibs striker Rowan Vine, following Celtic’s 1-1 draw at Easter Road last weekend.

Lennon had complained about Hibernian’s tackling in the match and Vine had taken exception to the Northern Irishman singling him out for a challenge on Hoops debutant Darnell Fisher. Lennon described it as “rugby-esque”.

Vine made reference in his Twitter postings to an incident in a Newcastle versus Leicester game in 1998 when Alan Shearer kicked Lennon, then a City midfielder, in the head.

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The Englishman wrote: “Read Sir Neil Lennon’s comments regarding tackles in y’days game and said my tackle was ‘rugby-esque’. I mean I know he likes the snus. But has he been smoking something else. I hardly touched the boy and there were no ‘reckless’ tackles in the game.

Rowan Vine. Picture: SNSRowan Vine. Picture: SNS
Rowan Vine. Picture: SNS

“Might get me mate Alan Shearer to send him another size 9 Umbro Speciali in the dish if he don’t pipe down.”

Lennon replied on his own Twitter account, writing: “Did I read that right?”

Vine later apologised to Lennon and Hibernian boss Pat Fenlon said he dealt with the issue in-house after speaking to the player.

However, the Scottish Football Association have confirmed that the matter is being looked at.

Lennon said: “I am assuming the authorities will look at it, rather than myself. There is nothing I can do about it.

“I don’t run the game and I don’t make the laws up. I think there is a line you can’t cross when it comes to saying anything in public, either personal or against a club so I will leave that to be the powers that be.

“We have had discussions about it (use of social media) yes, with the players regarding themselves and their wives as well.”