Parents are most proud of their child’s ability to be compassionate, display kindness, and go above and beyond to help and support a friend

A study of 1,000 parents, with kids aged three to seven, also revealed seeing their offspring demonstrate selfless qualities evoked feelings of pride.

On average, children left their mums and dads feeling delighted six times a week from their display of these caring traits.

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And 84 per cent see these qualities shine through when their kids interact with their friends.

The research was commissioned as part of the launch of the inaugural Thomas & Friends International Friendship Day Awards which honour the best examples of friendship shown by UK children over the past year.

Spokeswoman Claudia Caron said: “The research has really highlighted the importance parents put on ensuring their children build great relationships at an early age.

“Friendship can teach a child so many things and the study has illustrated many of the positive impacts that give parents a sense of pride.

“Mums, dads and caregivers also clearly relish helping their children to create long lasting, quality relationships, and parents are putting in the effort to make sure this happens.”

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