12 dangerous choking hazards for children you need to watch out for

Starting a baby on solid food can be a worrying time for parents.

Choking can be a serious hazard due to the narrower windpipes of children, and their gag reflexes may not always prevent choking from happening.

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CE safety says that children do not properly master the technique for chewing and swallowing until they are five years-old.

And 40 children under the age of five are rushed to hospital every day for choking or swallowing something they shouldn’t.

Curious young children often explore their surroundings by putting things in their mouths, so it is important to know what sorts of objects and food items to keep out of their reach to minimise the risk of them choking.

Small food items and toys are the most common causes, and CE Safety has put together a list for parents to highlight 12 foods to keep an eye out for.


Hard and crunchy foods can be difficult for children to eat. Popcorn kernels are especially dangerous as they can become lodged in a child’s windpipe.

Hard boiled sweets

Hard sweets can easily become lodged in a child’s windpipe, and do not dissolve or melt when they do. This type of sweet should be avoided altogether.

White bread

This can form a pasty texture at the back of a child’s throat that can be easily choked on or cause breathing difficulties.