Police foiled as protestors back Mexican drug lord

Young women show their allegiance to Guzman. Pictures: ReutersYoung women show their allegiance to Guzman. Pictures: Reuters
Young women show their allegiance to Guzman. Pictures: Reuters
POLICE in northern Mexico detained about 100 people in a failed attempt to stop the second demonstration in less than a week in support of captured drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

A march on Wednesday demanding Guzman’s release drew about 1,000 supporters into the streets of Culiacan, the capital of northern Sinaloa state, which is the home to the Sinaloa Cartel supposedly led by Guzman.

In the latest rally, on Sunday, a crowd of about 150 people gathered at a shrine to Jesus Malverde, a folk saint viewed as the patron or protector of people involved in the drug trade.

Many of the protesters shouted “Long live Chapo!”

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