Nigerian navy cracks down on illegal oil refineries

An abandoned illegal refinery after it was raided by Nigerias navy. Picture: APAn abandoned illegal refinery after it was raided by Nigerias navy. Picture: AP
An abandoned illegal refinery after it was raided by Nigerias navy. Picture: AP
THE Nigerian navy said it has destroyed 260 illegal oil refineries and burned 100,000 tons of contraband fuel.

Critics claimed that the targeting of small-time criminals fails to confront the biggest culprits in oil thefts – the politically-connected criminal cartels who sell on the international market.

Similar missions in the past have failed to slow thefts valued at more than $20 million (£12m)a day on the world market. Shell Nigeria, the biggest operator in the West African nation, said it lost around $1 billion to oil thefts in 2013.

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