Australia, Norway governments braced for defeat

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks during the Labor party campaign launch in Brisbane. Picture: GettyAustralian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks during the Labor party campaign launch in Brisbane. Picture: Getty
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks during the Labor party campaign launch in Brisbane. Picture: Getty
TWO centre-left governments on opposite sides of the globe are likely to lose power this month, despite both presiding over commodity-fuelled booms while other economies sank into crisis.

Voters in Australia and Norway are almost certain to boot out their governments within a couple of days of each other, fed up with blunders and scandals, and worried that wealth created by high minerals and oil prices has not been spent wisely.

Opinion polls indicate sound defeats for Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd in parliamentary elections on 7 September and his Norwegian Labour counterpart Jens Stoltenberg on 9 September.

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