Scottish independence: North Sea workers say Yes

64 per cent supported leaving the United Kingdom. Picture: HEMEDIA64 per cent supported leaving the United Kingdom. Picture: HEMEDIA
64 per cent supported leaving the United Kingdom. Picture: HEMEDIA
THE majority of oil and gas workers will vote Yes in the independence referendum, according to a survey.

More than 1,000 workers were interviewed by jobs website about their voting intentions, and 64 per cent supported leaving the United Kingdom.

The firm said the vote suggested the No campaign’s analysis that independence would have a negative impact on Scotland’s economy was not being taken seriously.

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However, a separate survey by the company involving 5,000 North Sea oil and gas workers highlighted a number of concerns respondents said would need urgent attention after the September referendum.

Some 53 per cent cited the need for more investment in training British workers so they could find employment in the industry, while 51 per cent mentioned skills shortages.

Clarity over corporate and personal tax, which could help drive investment, was highlighted by 45 per cent, and improving production and efficiency of oil fields was raised by 31 per cent.

Kevin Forbes, chief executive of, said while the results reflected strong support for independence, reassurance was needed from both the Scottish and UK governments about the industry’s future.

He said: “The survey has found that the workers in the North Sea oil and gas industry want an independent Scotland. They clearly don’t believe the concerns that Scotland’s economy will suffer after independence.

“However, the survey also found that while the workers are keen on independence, many still believe that many issues need to be addressed urgently following the referendum in order to effectively safeguard the future of the industry.

Mr Forbes added: “What is being lost in the independence debate, as politicians give competing visions for an independent Scotland, is a vision of the future of the country’s most important industry.

“Both governments need to reassure voters that whoever wins the vote, they will make the North Sea oil and gas industry a priority.”