Prince Philip: Holyrood recalled to pay respects to Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh attending the Presentation Reception for The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holders in the gardens at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is likely to be judged Prince Philip's greatest legacy. Issue date: Friday April 4, 2021 picture: PA/Jane BarlowThe Duke of Edinburgh attending the Presentation Reception for The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holders in the gardens at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is likely to be judged Prince Philip's greatest legacy. Issue date: Friday April 4, 2021 picture: PA/Jane Barlow
The Duke of Edinburgh attending the Presentation Reception for The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award holders in the gardens at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is likely to be judged Prince Philip's greatest legacy. Issue date: Friday April 4, 2021 picture: PA/Jane Barlow
The Scottish Parliament will sit today after being recalled for only the sixth time in its history to show respect to the Duke of Edinburgh.

Holyrood’s presiding officer, Ken Macintosh, announced on Friday that MSPs would be able to return to parliament to pay tribute to Philip with a motion of condolence from 11am on Monday.

All of the parties at Holyrood have also temporarily suspended their campaigning for the Holyrood election.

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On Friday, Mr Macintosh said: “I have this afternoon decided that the Parliament should be recalled to show our respect to the Duke of Edinburgh following today’s sad announcement.

“His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, lived a life dedicated to duty and public service and his support for this institution was clear.

“This is why I have taken the decision to recall in order that we may take the time to pause, remember and pay tribute to his work.”

The meeting will start with a minute’s silence before considering a Motion of Condolence with a statement from party leaders.

The Parliament has previously been recalled on January 4 to discuss the Covid-19 pandemic and for the death of first minister Donald Dewar, the death of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, for a ministerial statement on the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, and on December 30 last year for a Brexit debate.

Scotland’s political parties had earlier suspended campaigning for the May election after Philip’s death.

A notice announcing the death was briefly posted on the gates of the Palace of Holyroodhouse, the Queen’s official residence in Edinburgh, on Friday afternoon.

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