Help us to deliver a Fife Pride to be proud of

The organisers and volunteers at last year's Fife Pride. More helpers are needed to arrange this year's spectacular in July. Pic: George McLuskie.The organisers and volunteers at last year's Fife Pride. More helpers are needed to arrange this year's spectacular in July. Pic: George McLuskie.
The organisers and volunteers at last year's Fife Pride. More helpers are needed to arrange this year's spectacular in July. Pic: George McLuskie.
The organisers of Fife Pride are appealing to members and supporters of the LGBT community to help organise this year’s event in Kirkcaldy.

Neale Hanvey, who took over as co-convener of the Fife Pride team last spring, now needs more people to join up to help plan this year’s spectacle, which is due to take place on Saturday, July 6.

He said: “We are reaching out to the LGBT community to ask them to help us deliver this year’s Fife Pride. We are looking for around four or five people with enthusiasm and skill. This might be a background in accounting, book-keeping or perhaps someone with budgetary, management, or team leadership skills.

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“It is really great having the support from the community on the day but there is a lot of work that goes into the planning of the event and we need more people willing to make a shared commitment to Fife’s LGBT festival.”

Nancy Clench and Neale Hanvey at last summer's Fife Pride. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.Nancy Clench and Neale Hanvey at last summer's Fife Pride. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.
Nancy Clench and Neale Hanvey at last summer's Fife Pride. Pic credit: Fife Photo Agency.

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Neale Hanvey, co-convener Fife Pride.Neale Hanvey, co-convener Fife Pride.
Neale Hanvey, co-convener Fife Pride.

Neale, who was heavily involved in organising last year’s Fife Pride, said due to competing priorities he is unable to give the same level of commitment of time to organising this summer’s event and needs members of the community to step up to help make the event a another great success in 2019.

He continued: “We need people to give a commitment to meet once a month to help with the planning and organising and then more regularly as we run-up to the event. We need both their enthusiasm and their professional skills. “And as always we are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day.”

Neale added: “Last year’s event was a huge success and the support on the day is fantastic but we really need people to get involved to help us deliver another Pride to be proud of.”

The third annual event is expected, once again, to bring huge numbers to the town centre.

The parade brought a colourful spectacle to the High Street, leading to a day of music and celebration in the Town Square.

Backed by Kirkcaldy4All, and the local area committee, it also enjoyed solid support from retailers and many businesses, and is now firmly established on the town’s calendar.