Grenfell Tower fire: 17 dead, '˜Unknown numbers' of bodies in flats

Grenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PAGrenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PA
Grenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PA
At least 17 people died in the Grenfell Tower fire and there are still 'unknown numbers' of bodies in the building the London Fire Commissioner Dany Cotton has said.

Rescuers do not expect to find anyone else alive in the west London block of flats which was engulfed by a massive fire, the fire service says.

The commissioner told media: “Tragically now we are not expecting to find anyone else alive. The severity and the heat of the fire would mean it is an absolute miracle for anyone to be left alive.”

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She said there are still “unknown numbers” of people in the building.

A total of 37 people are still being treated in hospital, with 17 in critical care, NHS England said in a statement.

More than £1 million has been raised to help those affected as fire tore through the 24-storey building while volunteers and charities helped feed and shelter people who could not return to their homes overnight.

Ms Cotton said the upper floors of the building are still to be searched.

Grenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PAGrenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PA
Grenfell Tower in west London was engulfed in a fire. Picture; PA