Farmers urged to change land use to safeguard food supplies

Farmers have been urged to change the way they use their land in order to better manage food suppliesFarmers have been urged to change the way they use their land in order to better manage food supplies
Farmers have been urged to change the way they use their land in order to better manage food supplies
FARMERS must change the way land is used in order to safeguard human health, food supplies and the environment, Scottish scientists have warned.

Despite differences in the physical challenges facing lowland and upland farmers across Scotland, the UK and Europe, water quality and flooding concerns are common to both, and management decisions and land use changes in the uplands can have major implications for the lowlands.

Key initiatives are already being implemented in Scottish agriculture to benefit the environment and battle greenhouse gas emissions, including restoration of peatlands, expanding woodlands, increasing biodiversity and improving waterways. But experts say an increase in livestock production will also be required to satisfy the growing need for food worldwide.

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