Armed robbery at Aberdeen Tesco

Police are appealing for informationPolice are appealing for information
Police are appealing for information
POLICE Scotland today launched an appeal for information after a Tesco store in Aberdeen was robbed by two men armed with what has been described as a blunt weapon.

The Tesco Express in the city’s King Street was robbed last night by two hooded robbers who made their escape on bicycles.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “During the incident, which took place at around 8:45pm, staff were threatened with a blunt weapon. A low four figure sum of money was taken which was recovered nearby a short time later. The two male suspects then made off on bicycles.”

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Detective Sergeant Barry Stewart said: “This type of incident is unusual in Aberdeen and, while no one was injured, it has left the staff involved shaken.

“The area around the shop would have been busy at the time of the incident and we are appealing for anyone who saw two males in the King Street/Linksfield area to come forward.”

The first male is described as around 5ft 9ins tall, of slim to average build, and was wearing a dark grey hooded top, black tracksuit trousers and black gloves. He had a local accent.

The second male is described as around the same height, of average build, and was wearing black hooded top, black tracksuit trousers and black gloves. He also spoke with a local accent.