We try Botox or anti-wrinkle injections at Dr Victoria clinic in Edinburgh

If the face creams aren’t cutting it, this is always an option

I’ve always been quite anti Botox and cosmetic procedures.

I don’t like the pressure women especially are under not to age, and the thought of needles made me nervous.

But, conversely, YOLO, especially as I currently don’t like my permanent scowl, which makes me resemble a Neanderthal.

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If anyone is going to make me feel at ease, it’s Dr Victoria Dobbie of the DR VICTORIA clinic, which has been on Edinburgh’s Alva Street for 15 years. The world of cosmetic treatments is worryingly unregulated, but she’s been in the business for 20 years and knows her onions.

Recently, her husband and business partner, Hamish Dobbie, has been involved in campaigning for tighter controls on who can administer medical treatments, like Botox. They’ve also recently released their own skincare line, including Bioactive Serums.

Still, after trying various lotions over the year (not Victoria’s stuff though) I’m submitting to the harder stuff.

After Victoria has thoroughly explained the process, while classical music plays on the stereo, there are around six small injections to my forehead to target the glabellar lines (otherwise known as the 11s, in between your eyebrows). Victoria uses an alternative to Botox – a longer-lasting toxin.

It’s over very quickly and I head home, feeling strangely triumphant.

However, as a newbie to this treatment, I didn’t realise that I might need more than a single appointment. They go easy at first, just to judge your response. Victoria is keen to give me a natural look and nothing frozen.

“We should be able to get rid of 80 per cent of those lines,” she promises.

The first round has a minor effect, so Victoria adds another dose at my follow-up appointment. However, my muscles are bit resistant after this session, and the frown is still in effect. I think I’m quite unusual in this regard.

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Take three, and Victoria tweaks the dose. It takes about two weeks for the full results to show, and I’m chuffed.

My brow is less heavy and the scowl has vanished. They recommend that you go back every three or four months for a top up.

These injections definitely aren’t for everyone, but I’m getting my next visit in the diary.

Botox in one area starts from £210 at Dr Victoria, 32 Alva Street, Edinburgh (0131 226 9610, www.drvictoria.co.uk)

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