DVD bonanza: Sci-fi, terror and demons - new releases giveaway


THREE fantastic tales and two Doctors are brought together in the Myths And Legends box set. Jon Pertwee stars as the Time-Lord in The Time Monster, while Tom Baker is the scarf wearing alien in Underworld and The Horns of Nimon. In The Time Monster, UNIT is called into monitor the initial trials of a device called TOMTIT (Transmission Of Matter Through Interstitial Time) at the Newton Institute at Wootton. At the heart of TOMTIT is an ancient crystal, which the Master hopes to use to gain control over Kronos - a Chronovore which feeds on time itself. The Doctor and the Master journey back in time to the lost city of Atlantis, where the battle intensifies.

Underworld is set onboard a Minyan space craft on a quest to recover the Minyan race banks from a ship called the P7E. In The Horns Of Nimon Romana is condemned to be sacrificed to the Nimon – an ancient beast. Aided by the faithful K-9, the Doctor goes to the rescue.

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